Event Series Tuesday Prayer Meeting

Tuesday Prayer Meeting

Every Tuesday evening at 6:00PM we connect via Zoom to have prayer meeting. Please join us on our church Zoom link and come ready to see God move. Click the link below to join. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9898110277?pwd=N0ZrZzJ6Qm80dGpqKzY3SzJpVDBaUT09

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

510 Balmoral Dr. 510 Balmoral Dr., Brampton

Every Sunday we have our morning service at Bramalea Secondary School. Please join us as we worship together.

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

510 Balmoral Dr. 510 Balmoral Dr., Brampton

Every Sunday we have our morning service at Bramalea Secondary School. Please join us as we worship together.

Event Series Sunday Service

Sunday Service

510 Balmoral Dr. 510 Balmoral Dr., Brampton

Every Sunday we have our morning service at Bramalea Secondary School. Please join us as we worship together.