DCC Building Fund

Dayspring Christian church needs a permanent place we can call our church home. We need a place where our children and youth have a consistent place to connect, learn and grow; a place where each small group will have the space to conduct their ministry to reach there community. We need a permanent place where we can meet together to worship on Sunday mornings where the Spirit of God will move beyond measure. You are an integral part of our future. We appreciate your willingness and excitement in making this journey with us. Your partnership and contribution well help us get one step closer to our goal. We are excited to see what the Lord has in store.
Members, friends and community partners, we invite you to join us on this journey and prayerfully consider making a pledge to contribute to our building fund. We are challenging you to make a commitment that both stretches and builds your faith. We recognize that every family’s financial situation is different, but we believe that the Lord honours sacrificial giving and is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more that we can ask or imagine. Please consider making a commitment to journey with us. It’s time to move, Dayspring, and we need your help.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” Psalm 127:1 NIV
Building Fund Pledge Form
Please use this form to indicate your commitment to Dayspring Christian Church’s Building Fund.